Middle school is a time when students are encouraged to take charge of their education. It is a time to lay the foundation for a successful high school experience preparing to be college and career ready at the completion of high school. During your middle school years, build a strong foundation!
Students will take core courses in English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics, plus students will have opportunities to work with our specialist teachers in Band, Choir, Art, STEM and many more electives.
- Band
- Choir
- Agriculture
- World Language/Spanish
- Industrial Tech
- Wellness
- Health and Habits
- Art
- Physical Education
WIN Time
At LFCMS we have a 42 min period at the end of the school day we can W.I.N. Time or "What I Need Time". Each day students enroll themselves into a W.I.N Time offering based on what they need or what they would like on that given day.